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North Okaloosa Planning Study Baseline Conditions Analysis Report Published on June 3, 2024

On June 3, 2024, a draft Baseline Conditions Analysis Report was published on the North Okaloosa Planning Study website:  

The report is available to the public for comment for two weeks and is one of several tasks outlined within the Scope of Work associated with the overall Planning Study as included in the recently published Public Input Calendar.

The draft Baseline Conditions Analysis Report includes an analysis of County and Study area population projections, a review of the development/regulatory framework, a buildout analysis and a review of infrastructure and service’s needs.  The final report will include updated Planning Profiles as well.

The intent of publishing this draft analysis is to allow the public to comment on its contents prior to publishing the final report which is intended to occur towards the end of June.

Comments may be until June 19, to the email address located on the project website -

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