Yesterday, Cox Communications hosted the annual Cox Inspirational Student Hero Awards in Okaloosa County, recognizing 37 students who have overcome extreme hardships in their lives. The Heroes were recognized at a ceremony on Wednesday, May 10, at Northwest Florida State College in Niceville.
“Hearing the struggles these students have endured reminds us how difficult life can be, but our response to those adversities is what really matters,” said Cox Gulf Coast Market vice president David Deliman. “It’s our honor to recognize these students for everything they’ve accomplished in their young lives. They’re true heroes and deserve their time in the spotlight.”
“We appreciate Cox Communications for hosting this event each year,” stated Okaloosa Superintendent Marcus Chambers. “It is always touching to hear the students’ stories and a reminder of why we as educators do what we do.”
The students were chosen by a committee of leaders at their school, due to their resilience in the face of adversity. Whether they have overcome a loss of a family member, medical issue, difficult family situation or other hardship, they did so with a positive attitude and continued to encourage and inspire others around them.
During the event, Cox presented the students with a personalized engraved medallion and certificates of honor. The students were also presented with certificates of achievement from Congressman Matt Gaetz, State Senators Doug Broxson and Jay Trumbull and State Representatives Michelle Salzman, Joel Rudman and Patt Maney. They also received congratulatory letters from United States Senator Rick Scott, United States Senator Marco Rubio, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
The Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners also honored the students with a proclamation naming May 2023 as Cox Inspirational Student Hero Month in Okaloosa County.

Okaloosa County’s Cox Inspirational Student Heroes for 2023 are:
1. Antioch Elementary School - Damaree Wilkins
2. Baker School - Brayshawn Baker
3. Bluewater Elementary School - Donovan Roland
4. Bob Sikes Elementary School - Carson Newman
5. Bruner Middle School - Ryan Linder
6. Choctawhatchee High School - Alyssa Crawford
7. Crestview High School - Izzy Hicks
8. Davidson Middle School - Addison Maneen
9. Destin Elementary School - River Lee Miller
10. Destin Middle School - Mariia Iasinska
11. Edge Elementary School - Zakaria Williamson
12. Edwins Elementary School - Adrien Asque
13. Eglin Elementary School - Emmy Liufau
14. Elliott Point Elementary School - Anna McNamara
15. Florosa Elementary School - Ariana Najera
16. Fort Walton Beach High School - Dominik Quesnel
17. Kenwood Elementary School - Genevieve Banks
18. Laurel Hill School - Jalion Smiley
19. Lewis School - Nathan White
20. Longwood Elementary School - Enrique Lopez
21. Meigs Middle School - Susie Garcia
22. Niceville High School - Erik Sirmans
23. Northwest Florida Ballet Academie - Zoey Kocher
24. Northwood Elementary School - Miguel Rodriguez
25. Okaloosa STEMM Academy - Diego Rodriguez-Mundo
26. Plew Elementary School - Aiden Tupper
27. Pryor Middle School - Tinika Jackson
28. Richburg School - Alli Drake
29. Riverside Elementary School - Haley Markheim
30. Ruckel Middle School - Hailey Grisamore
31. Shalimar Elementary School - Charlotte Schindler
32. Shoal River Middle School - Marie Fensler
33. Shoal River Middle School - Azana Jackson
34. Silver Sands School - Destiny Gay
35. Southside Primary School - Cayden Stevick
36. Walker Elementary School - Ayden Foley
37. Wright Elementary School - Esther Rodriguez
The Cox Inspirational Student Hero Awards program began 30 years ago in New Orleans, Louisiana. The program has spread to other Cox markets in the Southeast Region. To date, Cox has recognized nearly 4,700 students from Lafayette, Louisiana, to Gainesville, Florida.