Disclaimer: We are promoting this event on behalf of a local chamber member. This event is not managed or sponsored by the Destin Chamber.
All Okaloosa County School students, from kindergarten through 12th grade, still can participate in the 15th Annual OAA Okaloosa County School Poster Contest. Entries can be submitted by an Okaloosa County School or by individual students. This year’s theme is “Arts in Outer Space” and the deadline to enter the contest is April 18th before 7 pm.
Drop off your entry(s) at Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music (105B Lewis St, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547) during their business hours (9 am-7 pm Monday-Thursday, 9 am-3 pm Friday). Or Mail: Send entries to Okaloosa Arts Alliance-Poster Contest, P.O. Box 4426, FWB, FL 32549.
Join us on April 19, from 5 - 7:30 p.m., at Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music. The reception is free and open to the public; we invite you to come see the talented entries, enjoy live entertainment, enjoy refreshments and vote for your favorites in the viewer’s choice awards.
Reception Details: Instrument Petting Zoo - Explore musical instruments courtesy of Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music, starting at 5 p.m. Music by Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music starting at 6 p.m., and continuing throughout the reception.
Poster Contest winners will be announced at 6:30 pm. First, Second, and Third place winners will be chosen in three categories: Elementary School, Middle School, and High School by a panel of judges. Each winner in every category will receive a gift card donated by the Eglin Federal Credit Union. Additionally, the first-place winners and Viewer’s Choice awardees will receive an art supplies bag donated by the Arts & Design Society (ADSO) and HH Arts.
Viewer’s Choice: Cast your votes for your favorite posters from 5 - 7:15 p.m. Viewer’s choice winners will be announced at 7:30 p.m.
The posters will continue to be on display at Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music until May 6.
For More Information
- Visit the OAA website: https://www.okaloosaarts.org/annual-oaa-poster-contest-2024.html
- Contact Amy at amybaty1@gmail.com or Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music at 850-483-0800.
Date and Time
Friday Apr 19, 2024
5:00 PM - 7:30 PM CDT
Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music 105B Lewis St, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
Free and open to the public
Contact Information
Amy Baty-Herbert
Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music at 850-483-0800.
Send Email