Disclaimer: We are promoting this event on behalf of a local chamber member. This event is not managed or sponsored by the Destin Chamber.
Monday night bingo. Cash prizes, food available, 50/50 drawing. Arrive by 5:45 so you can have your cards, food, drinks, & be settled ready to win. All money raised with bingo goes to veteran & children's charities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (Guests will be required to sign in)
For questions, call (850) 837-3818. For information regarding ballroom rental, call (850) 687-1819.
Monday Jul 22, 2024
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM CDT
Every Monday night. First game starts at 6. Be there earlier to get your cards, drinks, & be ready to win.
Hours may vary. Check https://www.facebook.com/americanlegion296 for updated information.
Davis-Sikes American Legion Post 296
311 Main Street
Destin, FL 32541
$20 for 10 pack of 4 cards. Every game is in the pack. Each player must have a $20 pack. Additional packs are $10 each after the first $20. Bring your own dauber or buy one for $2 Food & drinks are available for purchase but very inexpensive. 50/50 is a separate drawing.
850-837-3818 Post
850-687-1819 Commander
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Printed courtesy of www.destinchamber.com/ – Contact the Destin Chamber for more information.
4484 Legendary Dr. Ste. A, Destin, FL 32541 – (850) 837-6241 – mail@destinchamber.com